A discussion on time blocking and scheduling techniques for effective business management and personal life balance.

Key Takeaways

  • Time blocking is a foundational system for reducing decision fatigue, managing energy, and ensuring priorities are consistently met
  • Benefits include easier decision-making, improved focus and creativity, and consistent attention to both professional and personal priorities
  • Successful implementation requires listing tasks, categorizing them, scheduling blocks, and maintaining flexibility to adapt as needed

Time Blocking Fundamentals

  • Defined as deciding in advance how to spend time
  • Acts as a system to create freedom in life and business
  • Reduces the need for repetitive decision-making
  • Helps transition from reactive “firefighting mode” to strategic, intentional task management

Benefits of Time Blocking

  • Facilitates easier decision-making by pre-determining time allocation
  • Reduces burnout and helps maintain boundaries with clients and tasks
  • Directs energy flow with intention and intensity, improving focus and creativity
  • Ensures consistent attention to priorities in both professional and personal life
  • Helps customers know when and for what to approach the business

Implementation Steps

  1. List tasks to accomplish in a month, week, and year
  2. Categorize tasks by grouping common activities
  3. Create time blocks based on categorized tasks
  4. Add blocks to calendar, scheduling by day and hour
  5. Include personal time (self-care, family, entertainment) in the schedule

Kristin’s Personal Time Blocking Example

  • Sunday/Monday: Dedicated to self-care and relaxation
  • Tuesday-Friday: Client work, divided by client and task
  • Saturday: Reserved for business development (content creation, financials)

Adapting and Maintaining Time Blocks

  • Understand that time blocks will evolve with changing life and career demands
  • Allow for flexibility while maintaining overall structure
  • Give grace during the implementation process; consistency develops over time
  • Stay committed to giving yourself and your dreams the necessary time

Spiritual Perspective on Time Management

  • Bible verses (Proverbs 16:3, Ecclesiastes 3:1) emphasize planning and trusting in a greater purpose
  • I Ching Hexagram 32 “Perseverance Furthers” reinforces the importance of consistency and commitment

Next Steps

  • Create a comprehensive task list for personal and professional responsibilities
  • Categorize tasks and design initial time blocks
  • Implement time blocking in calendar and commit to following the structure
  • Review and adjust time blocks regularly to ensure they remain effective and aligned with current priorities