This is one of my all-time favorite quotes. I call it a cornerstone quote because it was more like a mantra for me when I first started my virtual assistant business. I put it in my signature line proud to let my clients know this was how I intended to show up for them. In a way, I built my business around it.

I’ve since replaced the quote in my signature, but recently was reinvigorated by the memory of it because I’m creating something new again, and it’s important to me that I infuse it with the same energy.

Creating the knlcolab reignited a spark in me to revive this energy in myself and others. It’s reminded me why I’m here. This time, instead of only applying it to my business, I want to help you apply it to yours.

To help you re-imagine what it would be like to wake up excited to do your job again!

That’s what starting my own virtual assistant business did for me. I stopped dreading going to work and counting the hours I was giving away to building someone else’s dream and immediately entered a world of endless possibilities.

Now, I could create the career I wanted on my terms.

Every ounce of effort and every moment of my life that I spent working could now start moving me in the direction of MY dreams and goals.

I stopped “shoulding” on myself and got to work on the things that made a real difference in my life. Instead of always being distracted, burnt out, and overwhelmed by the corporate drama swirling around outside of me, I turned my focus within and followed my heart.

I was coming into alignment, and I want to help you do the same…

I can help if you’re…

🖤 A virtual assistant tired of trying to figure everything out on your own.
🖤 A solopreneur in need of a right hand to get your operations in order.
🖤 An aspiring virtual assistant who’d love a mentor to help set them up for success.

I’m here to remind you that you already are a success, you CAN get that feeling back, and you don’t have to do it alone.

Contact me for more info. Let’s collaborate and create a career you love 🤍✨