What sets the Introspective Entrepreneur apart is her dedication to the continuous cycle of introspection necessary to stay in alignment with her highest calling.
The Continuous Cycle of Introspection
The continuous cycle of introspection is as follows. Knowing it allows you to master it. Mastering it allows you to move forward in the direction of your goals with greater ease and clarity.
When you aren’t getting the results you want, this process helps you assess the internal factors at play. It gives you the opportunity to make a conscious choice about how you want to show up, in any situation.
STEP ONE: Cultivating Awareness
Go within and determine your motivation for doing something.
This can be done any way that feels right to you. I like to journal it out but the main goal here is to get your thoughts out of your head and into a form where you can go back and review them. A voice recorder is a great alternative to writing or typing your thoughts out.
Ask yourself:
- Why is this happening?
- What are some of the reasons I’m getting these results?
- What am I doing that is causing me to have this outcome?
- How am I feeling in response to these outcomes?
- Is there anything I can do differently that would get me a better result?
STEP TWO: Wielding Your Power
Make an assessment based on the information you gathered as to whether a motivation is aligned with your intention.
Ask yourself:
- What is my goal in this situation and is this moving me closer to it or further away from it?
- If not, what could I change about it? What can’t I change about it?
- Is this supporting me in putting forth my highest and best self?
- If not, what could I change about it? What can’t I change about it?
- Am I feeling happiness, joy or fulfillment by continuing along this path?
- What would I like to see happen instead?
- Is this the kind of person I want to be in this situation?
- What kind of person do I want to be in this situation?
- What is making me fearful in this area?
- Is this fear rational or could I be blowing something out of proportion?
- Is this fear based on an experience I had in the past that is no longer relevant now?
- If yes, what does this experience have in common with the one I’m experiencing right now?
STEP THREE: Executing Your Choice Like A Boss
Make a decision based on your observations, that takes into consideration your overarching goal.
Compare your responses to the above questions to your desired outcome and make the choice to either continue as is or make a change.
STEP FOUR: Celebrate Yourself
You were brave enough to go within and do the inner work. You have now gained insights that are literally changing your life.
STEP FIVE: Rinse and Repeat
As you go through this exercise, continue to remind yourself to make the best choice for YOU in the here and NOW. No one can take your power away unless you give it to them and it never lives outside of you unless you put it there. It also always lives in the present; never in the future or the past.
Try this exercise the next time you experience a challenge you can’t quite figure out. Tap into the wisdom you hold within. Committing to this process will ensure you reap the underlying benefits in every perceived setback. The only time we ever really fail at anything is when we give up. And even that can be a win when you give up on something that no longer serves you.
As an Introspective Entrepreneur, you know it is all part of the process. Life is always happening for you. In every situation, you either learn something that helps you get closer to your goal or you achieve your goal.
Finally, don’t skip step four. Celebrate the fact that you took the time to show up for yourself. It takes courage to own who you are and acknowledge that you are the one responsible for what is happening in your life. That can be a painful awareness when you don’t get what you want but it’s fulfilling AF when things start going your way. It also happens to be the only insurance available to protect you from giving your power away.
So let’s get you insured babe!
So much love,